Friday, January 19, 2007

SB 19 - Squid

Well, I haven't posted a Sketchbook in a while, so here you go. It is a squid. I didn't have much to work on today so I drew a squid. And there you have it.

So I'm back from Denver. I finally got my driveway free of ice yesterday after much scraping with a nasty looking scraper thingy, and now we're supposed to get dumped on again. Another 6-10 inches heading our way. To tell the truth, I am relieved. Other than my lack of an actual snow shovel, I have no reservations about the coming storm. I could use a weekend in, after the holidays and the cruise and the Denver. I caught a cold in the three days since I've been back as well, so I could use the rest. Next weekend, Jen goes off on her own trip, so the boy and I will be batchin' it. That will be fun. Sometimes I really like having him all to myself.

The big news in Stilly is that the new, up-to-date Wal-Mart opened today. Whoopty-fuckin'-do. It is a lot closer to my house, but my bank is still in the other one, so good and bad I guess. I hate that I have to shop there, but they don't give much choice. Albertson's is hella expensive, and the IGA is a friggin' joke. Stupid Wal-Mart.

Not much else going on. I miss my Denver friends, but I am glad to be home. If any of you in Denver can get me a really good paying job, so we could all come back, go ahead and do so. You have my number.


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