Sunday, September 09, 2007

And we sit and wait...

Well, things have settled down a bit. We moved, my Dad came for a visit, then my Mom came for a visit, then we moved again, then had the other set of grand kids here for a visit. This weekend was more calm until our car broke. Not really broke, but they can't put the put the plug for the oil pan back in, so they can't put any oil in it, so there it sits until Monday. Other than that, things are good. Having live-in baby sitters is awesome. We can just run off to the store if we want to.
But we still live with the parents, so there is an inherent lack of privacy. I got walked in on whilst taking a dump the other day. I can usually hear Norm's office TV louder than the one in the living room even though he has the doors shut. Things like that.
Jack is talking up a storm. We were eating dinner the other night, and I had a bit of red beans and rice on my face, and hey said: Hey daddy, wipe your face. About as snidely as I would have.
He's also a little mimic, so watch your language.

So a lot of people have been asking me for more of Norm's recipes. I have bad news for you all. He has no more. He eats only those things and variations of those things. Jen bought herself a pint of Butterfinger crunch for her preggers self the other night on her way home from work. We had to run some errands, and when we got back it was gone. Let me just tell you that when a pregnant lady is expecting there to be some ice cream to be in the freezer and it isn't, you'd better replace it pretty quick. He also has a tendency to eat large spoonfuls of whatever we're cooking right out of the pot while he walks by. Then he puts the spoon back in. That's pretty annoying.

And it is 9/11, or as some have called it, patriot day. Whoopty-do. Put a flag on your car. It is literally the least you can do. And the up shot is that it benefits nobody but sticker manufacturers. Send a care package why doncha.

In other news:
The new Iron Man trailer is bloody kick-ass. It will be the able to challenge the awesome comic-to-film awesomeness of Hellboy, Spider-man, and 300. At least until Watchman comes out. Speaking of, there some booty-rockin' pics from The Dark Knight surfacing through the inter-ether. Heath doesn't look too bad.

Oh and all the stuff you heard is true. Britney sucked. She looked like a slutty weeble wobble.


1 comment:

Fyrebaugh said...

Based on that Ironman trailer, I can't wait to see the movie. I never would have put Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark but he seemed to pull it off well!