Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Poor Heath.

I'm actually pretty sad about Mr. Ledger's passing, I have to tell you. He seemed like he had a great future ahead of him. Mysteriously, Britney Speares is alive and well.

Here is a new pic of Joey. He has changed a lot in the last 4 weeks, don't you think?

In other news:

-Charbucks is getting desperate.

-Now that the aliens have added a few plants and throw rugs, the whole place seems a lot more homey.
-I doubt a cheese whiz filled, bacon wrapped, deep fried hot dog is in any way good for me or my diet, but it sure does sound intriguing.
That is all.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

I love this picture

This is my new favorite pic of Jackson. I don't know why, I just love it. This is the basic look of curiosity and mischief that he usually has. I'm betting he's thinking about tackling his little brother.
My mom is here to help out with new baby for a week, so she's missing out on the 25º weather up in Denver for the much warmer 26º weather we have here in Tulsa today.

In other news:

I think that if I ever get a space ship, I'm just going be a Teaser like in Hitchhiker's Guide:

Teasers are usually rich kids with nothing to do. They cruise around looking for planets that haven't made interstellar contact yet and buzz them (ie: they find some isolated spot with very few people around, then land right by some poor unsuspecting soul whom no one's ever going to believe and then strut up and down in front of him wearing silly antennas on their head and making "beep beep" noises) Rather childish, really.

Obviously, that's what happened in Texas thin week.


Monday, January 14, 2008

Two weeks in...

And I have to say it has been great.

The new kid is awesome, and if you still don't believe me that he looks just like his brother did, then I offer these to photos as evidence:

Is that not creepy? I don't mean creepy like the guy on the corner with his hands a little too far in his overcoat, but more like: Didn't I have this kid already?
The answer to that question is in fact, no. Joey already has is own personality. For one thing, he sleeps. All day. He eats a lot and is awake for that, but then sleeps. Only occasionally does he wake up to look around. Jackson never slept. Shit, Jackson still doesn't sleep. We went a whole year without more than a few hours on average each night with Jackson. Joseph does keep us up (well, Jen), but not like Jackson did.
He has other quirks and what not of his own as well, and I think it will be exceedingly interesting to see how different he is.
Thanks to everyone who wished us well and brought us food. you guys rock.


Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Was a very strange year.

In it, I:

-Had a second child .
-Went to Denver three times, to make up for the previous few years of nuthin'.
-Went on a cruise.
-Sold a house.
-Rented a house for a few weeks.
-Stayed with the in laws for a few months.
-Bought a house.
-Moved three times, once to a new city.
-Dealt with more roaches than I care to think about.
-Got a new job.
-Quit a job.
-Dealt with two major ice storms, one in January, one in December.
-Sold a car I bought for $300 to someone for $500
-Got a fairly decent car. For cheap. Finally.
-Tried like hell to support my wife in all aspects of her pregnancy.
-Probably failed to do so.
-Made some new good friends.
-Sat through the wettest spring and summer EVER.
-Bought and $80 watch. Maybe not a big deal to you, but it was to me.
-With the help of my wife, we wiped out 99% of our debt, and cancelled all of our credit cards. We live cash-only now and life is awesome.
-Hosted my dad at our house for a visit. For the first time.
-Turned 32.
-Jack turned 2, and asserted his two-ness like when the bosses kid is put in charge.
-Was severely disappointed with all the new shows this year and most of the movies. The exceptions being Hot Fuzz, Robin Hood and Torchwood, but those are English.
-Was happy that Radiohead pulled their heads out of their asses finally.
-Quit smoking for good this time.
-Went on a weight loss program.
-Lost a total of 16lbs over the summer/fall.
-Gained 5lbs back over the holidays.
-I was happy to welcome Zane (Jack and Joey's cousin) into the family. All three of them have their grandmother's eyes.
-Saw the democrat controlled congress fold like deck chairs every time the lame duck idiot of a president threatened a veto. I didn't vote for you to go up there and be wussies.
-Realized that politically, there is no center anymore. And that sucks.
-Killed a pet fish on accident.
-Realized how important the whole "bread winner" thing is. Let me tell you: It is VERY important.
-Thought the whole mooninite scare was the stupidest thing ever. EVER!
-Settled into my new job just nicely, I think.
-Spent most of the year gearing up for new baby.
-Did some higher-profile Illustration jobs, which was nice.
-Listened to my friend's new radio show a lot.

I did not:
-Attend a wedding. The first time in years.
-Update my comics blog enough.
-Call my friends with kids enough.
-Call my other friends enough either.
-Call my family really at all.
-loose as much weight as I'd hoped.
-Get a good haircut. Three years running!
-See the third Pirate movie.
-Go to any concerts for the first year since I was 10.
-Do that painting for Jen's mom like I was supposed to.

All in all, 2007 was mostly awesome. New cool job. New cool house. New cool kid. Debt free.
Can't get much better.

2008, will for one, be a totally awesome movie year. I am anxiously awaiting Ironman and The Dark Knight. Also, a new president, which will ease tensions no matter who it is. Well, maybe not Huckabee. Otherwise any change is good. Some better than others, but still. I will unleash a new generation of Powers Brothers onto the world! Mua-ha-HA! We also get Olympics.

In other news:
As you know, I doodle in my calendar constantly. I used to scan them and post them, but my new job does not require a scanner, so they would sit in the day-planner amusing no one but themselves. Well I couldn't have that, so below is a mash-up of some of my favs over the past 6 months or so. The theme seems to be "Chicks and Robots".


-Happy New Year, everybody.