Monday, August 10, 2009

Sore hands.

Been a while...
I've had a couple of busy weeks. We bought a house, we're selling the old one, I went to New York for a week, and am knee-deep in renovation. Oh, and work. And the other work.

New York was mostly fun. Every flight was delayed in some way, and the Airline lost our luggage. Well, they didn't actually loose it. They knew where it was, they just refused to send it to the correct city. We arrived in NY on Sunday night and didn't get our luggage until Wednesday. I have pics, but the camera is in the tool box at the new house, as we are semi-documenting our remodeling efforts.
So I'll post those along with a better wrap-up of New York in a couple of days.
Here is a pic of Tom Waits to hold you over:

In other news:

We've got a Nerd on our hands. Jackson has become totally obsessed with space and the solar system. He has a DVD that his Gramma C. got him and a few books, and he can recite them all word for word. When he's in the car, he'll spout off information and facts and what not the entire duration of the trip. He aunt Jenny got him some flash cards and he is loving those too. It's completely cute.
Joseph, who we now call Joezilla the Destroyer! has deiced that he is certainly not into the solar system because he cannot break it, throw it on the floor, or stomp on it. That's how he rolls. On Friday night, we were going to go out for once in our lives. When we were getting ready to leave, I reached into the fridge to get the six-pack of beer we had purchased earlier in the day, set it on the counter, and turned to close the fridge door. In the .03 seconds by back was turned, Joe grabbed the beer and threw it on the floor. One of the bottles exploded, showering us all in beer and broken glass. Then DHS showed up. Not really. But it would have been a good time to show up. It took for ever to clean up, and the house still smells faintly of malted hops and barley. Not in a good way.
Then last night I pulled a chunk of glass out of my foot that had apparently been there for three days with out my knowledge.
Um... That's it. New York pics are coming. Home renovation pics are coming.

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