Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Weight loss challenge!

So as some of you know, I have been in a weight loss contest at work. It ended today, and even though I didn't win the whole several hundred dollar sha-bang, I lost the most weight. Yay, Me!

Here is how it broke down for me, according to the scale at the gym:

So 31 lbs! That's awesome. I haven't weighed this little since before Jackson was born! I was unemployed during the first three months of her pregnancy, and gained an Orca amount of Jobless depression/sympathy weight and never seriously did anything about it. Well now I have.

Everyone at the office did a great job, and we all look great, except for Brandon, who may have actually gained weight, by his own admission.

Round two starts tomorrow, so tonight I'm going to try one of those Double-Downs from KFC.

In Other news:
• Summer is upon us. I know this because of how sticky certain parts of my body get on a regular basis now.
Jackson starts Swim lessons today. Jennifer and Joseph will be splashing around while that happens. I hope they all stay cool.

• I everybody watching Doctor Who? I really love this new Doctor. He's all playful and stuffy all at the same time. They have really taken the show to new, very entertaining levels.

• I painted our entire family room over the weekend. Jennifer and the boys went to a family reunion, and I stayed home and painted without the little "helpers" under foot. It looks great if I do say so myself. Before it was all dark paneling and dreary, and now it's all happy and bright, and doesn't make me think I'm in the break room of a 1980s Insurance company.

I think that's it.

Powers out.

1 comment:

Pocheco said...

Congrats Jason! That's excellent work. I hope the DoubleDown was as delicious as it looks.