Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Anybody remember this guy?

The Black Hole
was Disney's fast-tracked answer to Star Wars, and was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid. I think it was one of the 3 movies that HBO ran non-stop during its infancy(the other two being Porky's and Patton). This movie and a few others, I have attempted to watch as an adult and have been severely disappointed. I remember this movie being awesome. It is not awesome. It is a very good effort, and is interesting on a cerebral level, but too slow moving and too high-brow for the crowd Disney usually brought in at the time. I hear the creative team at Disney that is responsible for the Tron sequel are making a new version. I don't really see the point. Back in the '70s, black holes were weird, mysterious things that many respectable scientists didn't think actually existed. Now that we know so much more about them and how they function, what ground could the movie really cover? Of course the original threw science and physics out the window, so why can't the new one?
I had similar experiences with The Dark Crystal, and Dreamscape. Both movies I loved as a kid that DO NOT hold up. I really wish I hadn't watched them as an adult and just kept the memory of them being awesome when I was little. Instead, now I know that I may have had shitty taste even back then.


1 comment:

Michael Damboldt said...

Vincent was awesome.