Monday, May 30, 2005

the book of Job

So, after almost two months of searching and searching, wondering if Jackson was going to be born into the welfare system, I have finally landed a job. A real one. With an office or a cubical or something. It is as a graphic designer for Creative Labs Inc. You may have seen their Zen brand of MP3 players or have a Sound Blaster in your computer. I'll be designing a little for their website, but mostly their print stuff. It pays more than double what I've ever made in my life. The only shitter is that it is in Stillwater, OK, about an hour away. The town is smaller than Tulsa, but is where OSU is located, so its pretty cool. We may move there depending on how the job works out, and what Jenn can swing with hers after Jackson gets here. Houses and cost of living up there are really cheap, so Jenn probably won't have to go back until she wants to. But I will have gone fronI an really excited that I didn't have to take a shittier job just to get by, and that it is a direct hire and not through a temp place, as one is responsable for me being unemployed in the first place. fuckers.So I start on Tuesday, and I have to find a new car soon because my POS truck can barely make it to the coffeeshop. Wish me luck!

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