Thursday, June 09, 2005


Off to Stillwater we go!! Jen's job gave her a giant thumbs up for working out of her house in Stillwater after the baby gets here. This means we are a movin' again. This also means that we get to keep our surprisingly large salaries (for us at least) and we don't have to pay for day-care, which costs a surprisingly large ammount of money. Cost of living is a little cheaper, and we get all the amenities of a college town, like cool shows and interesting people, and attractive college kids wandering around, and better coffee. There are only 50,000 people here, not counting students. This is a big deal for us. I'm really excited. We can get a bigger house, as we have to allot a room to use as a home office, and get to write that off of our taxes. I know there are a few of you out there who think I'm going soft. But I just want to dispel the roumers and reassure everyone that I am still the urban rebel I always was. I'm just doing it from a small town with a family, working for one of the largest electronics companies in the world. Punk's Not Dead

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