Friday, June 24, 2005


Okay, I'm not complaining about my new job. I love it. I am doing less and getting paid more than ever before. I guess I'm just not used to corporate life and society. Before, when ever I'd see three or four guys with short sleeves and ties in a group somewhere, I'd think to myself in a dorky inner voice: "Hey, did you guys see Dilbert this morning?" It kind of summed up that kind of guy. After a few weeks here in Corporate America, I have seen that exact scene play out more than once. The guys errupt in laughter so full, they start crying.
I have seen people go totally ape shit because someone brought in bagels. Those horrible 40 packs of cup-cakes with the massive ammount of icing that you see at the grocery store, are cause for great celebration. People would buy special hats if they could on cup-cake day. And the treats disappear faster than a pack of smokes at an AA meeting. The same guy comes back over and over again till they're gone.

I'm not saying these are bad people either. I'm sure they are on the whole very nice and lead very full lives outside of work.

They just kind of scare me.


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