Thursday, April 05, 2007

SB 23 - Raincoat guy

Hey! a new sketch! About time, Powers.
Okay so I have some random thoughts that won't leave my head till I write them down:
-I love how easy it is to get music on the intertubes these days, either legally or otherwise. I also love that I have a vast network of friends who are also music lovers, who can dupe things and mail them to me. The music is so assessable now that one barely has to think about it. One hears a song they like, and just goes over to the computer and gets it. No more wandering into Wax Trax and thinking "what the fuck did I come in here for?". There are a few downfalls, though. One is the band not getting as much money, but with the exception of Megadeth, I truly believe that this is propaganda perpetuated by the major record labels and that the artists (at least the ones who are in it for more than money) would want as many people as possible to hear their music regardless of how they obtained it. The second, and the one I have only recently realized is the loss of album art. Sure, itunes has that tiny 2 inch square in the lower right corner that gets displayed on your ipod (if you are lucky enough to have one that allows this, like I don't), but most of my downloads are off the torrents, and are bare bones. I've been listening to !!! for weeks now, and I only saw the cover of the album last week while in the music store. I feel that an album is an all senses kind of thing, or at least it should be, and I'm missing out on something here. I need to look into that.
-I came late to the party for a wonderful British show called Life On Mars. It is wonderful. Well thought out and beautifully acted. I don't know when BBCAM will start running it again, but catch it when it does. I read somewhere that David E. Kelly was making an American version for ABC, but I still can't figure out why the networks insist on remaking great shows and not just playing the original. The exception being The Office, which has managed to out shine it's predecessor somehow.
-Guys who insist on backing into their driveways or into a parking spot bug the shit out of me. It seems to take way longer to shimmy into the spot backwards than it would to just pull the fuck in. Do these guys think a brawl is going start in the Satrbucks, and they might need to get out in a hurry? Seem weird.
-They kicked off Sarah last night on America's Next Top Model. Bastards. I've been watching this show over my wife's shoulder for years, and Sarah was the first one that I really liked as a model and as a person. Usually those things don't mesh, but Sarah was smart and cute, and didn't go all bitchy all the time. She was there as a definite career step, and not because somebody told her she was pretty once and wanted to be on TV. She'll do well outside the show, though. She has enough drive.
-According to an entry in BoingBoing, you can now have your cremated ashed made into pencils. Live on through other people's sketches. I actually think that's really cool. You heard it here first: in the absence of a living will, that is what I would like to have done to me when I die.
-Jackson started doing this thing in the bath, where he stands up, rests his right hand on the edge of the tub, crosses his legs in front of him, and places the other hand gingerly on his hip in what can only be described as a modelling pose, ala Mr. Peanut. He then leers at you with a coy little smile, as it to say "hello, ladies." It is the funniest thing I have ever seen a toddler do. I shall try to capture this on camera, but he only does it in the bath, and I don't know the laws regarding posting a pic of a naked toddler in a "come hither" pose.
Okay. That's it. Brain emptied. Thanks for playing along.

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