Monday, July 13, 2009

So then we threw a party

We held a joint birthday party for Jackson and Zane on Saturday. We learned our lesson last year, and it started at 10:00 am rather than 2:00 pm. Last year it hit 112° and everything melted. Last year was in a park, and we couldn't go anywhere to escape. This year was way more pleasant. We held it at the Grandparent's house, and could go inside whenever we wanted.
Way better. Also this year, we had a Super-hero themed Jupiter Jump. That was a big hit. The cup-cake train was also a big hit, thankfully, as we stayed up until 1:30 the night before decorating them. Jackson and Zane once again made out like bandits. The biggest hits being a pedal-powered John Deer tractor for Zane and (surprisingly) a book about the solar system & a toy lap-top for Jackson(nerd!). We were all exhausted by the end, but it was so darn hot that we still had to go to the mall to cool off and to buy a stuffed bear in a Spider-Man outfit. Her are pics:

More here.

Friday, July 10, 2009


"what do you want?"
"You won't get it."
"By hook or by crook, we will"

We lost a good man back in Janruary. Patrick McGoohan will always be remembered as #6, but his role as the evil evil king in Braveheart was awesome as well.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Ball-point Pens & Highlighters

So I feel that I have been remiss in posting artwork. Most of what I do is commercial these days, and I can't seem to update my Zombie story for whatever reason (mostly writer's block).

What I am capable of doing, however, is doodling on my calendar. Some of you know this already, as I have collected them from time to time. Well, I'm going to start posting them a little more often, starting with this one:

I remember this as G-Force: Guardians of Space. It was also Battle of the Planets. In it's purest(and best) form, it known as Science Ninja Team Gatchaman.

think that since Hollywood seems to have a hankerin' for making mediocre movies out everything I laid eyes on as a child, they are really missing out on some serious coin by overlooking imported Sandy Frank Manga. Especially since Transformers proved that you don't need any kind of plot to make millions of dollars a second. Imagine a live action Robotech(Macross) movie. That would be awesome. And given that there actually is an interesting and lengthy(read: high sequel potential) story behind it, along with transforming bots and aliens, and the fact that Manga is at it's most popular in America right now, it could be Hollywood gold in the right hands.

I'm just sayin'.