Friday, March 03, 2006

Feb at my Job

So this---------->
Is how my calandar looked last month. As you can see, there is very little actual work penciled in there. If I had more work, I couldn't have done all these doodles, now could I? I like the Kong part. This month I'm thinking Dig Dug.
My mom came to visit and I had a birthday. Jackson turned 7 mo. old. Time flys, well sorta.
"The years go fast but the days go so slow," to quote Modest Mouse.
Here is something I noticed about how this society is a little weird. We all know about the ads during the Super Bowl, and many people tune in just for them, and that's fine. We all love witty ads, and sometimes we download them and watch them over and over, and then sometimes the ad takes on a life of it's own, and people forget what the ad was for in the first place. I saw the Superfriends version of the wassup ad before I saw the ad itself. But last night I kept seeing ads about a new X-Men 3 trailor that is going to be shown during 24 next week. And ad for an ad. That's taking it a little far. Do we really need commercials telling us when a commercial is going to be on? I guess it isn't that different from a press release about a product launch, just a little more blatant.
The really sad part about it is that I was really excited about the new trailor when I saw the ad for the trailor. I watch the old one every few days, anong with the Superman one.
I am a sad little nerd.

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