Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Random #3

New NGV5 is up. The Slug Zombies have arrived!

Um... What else? The weekend was hawesome! Jen's parents came up to Stilly to watch Jackson for the weekend so we could get a break. We thought we were going to go to Wichita to pick up a drafting table that I had bids out on ebay, but some fucker outbid me by a buck at the last second. So instead we went to Tulsa and just stayed in Jen's parents house. They were up here with the boy, and we were down there on our own. It was glorious. We ate out, shopped, and slept in. Basically became slugs because we could. So nothing really to report, which is a very good thing.

Random thoughts:
-This whole Jonbenet thing is retarded. I knew from a mile away that guy was a) a creepy little shit, and b) not the killer. If he was so gung-ho about confessing, and felt so bad about it, he would have done it a lang time ago. And BTW, a known pedophile goes on the run and nobody thinks to check Thailand? Idiots. He was even using his real name. And there was something very Lee Harvey about how they kept parading him around.
-A year after Katrina and nobody has learned shit. Bush said yesterday that he's not giving anymore money out and that it is up to the locals to make it work with what they have. What they have is Jack and Shit. And Jack left town long ago. dick.
-We finally saw Brokeback Mountain last night. I was waiting for the hoopla to wind down, and to forget about what I had heard about it. It was a very good movie. Being in the middle of Homophobistan, which is full of cowboys, I thought it was a nice comment on tolerance.
-This is the most disturbing thing I have ever seen.

That is all.

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