Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Goth Wedding

Alright, here you go. ---->
The Goth wedding was a lot of fun. The flickr set is here. Begona made this weird lace-up thing with a bunch of flowey fabric all over, and made the groom wear a top-hat, which I am convinced only Jack White and Slash can really get away with these days.
The affair was held in Begona's back yard, giving it a very bar-b-que feel, only with a bunch of darkly clad ne'er-do-wells instead of hillbillies. You could tell that even though the sun had set, they were a bit uncomfortable being outside. I'm sure they had a hard time deciding when to hold the wedding, as October (the gothiest month) had a full moon, a Friday the 13th, and of course, Halloween. They opted for the full moon. Cooler parties on the other two.
The funny thing about it was that the ones who dress like that every day, just came dressed as if they just happened to drive by, and saw a party, and the ones who don't dress like that every day tried really hard to sift through their wardrobes to find any and all black attire, and just put it all on. All of it. Then they just over-did their eye-make up and called it good. There was a third contingency that rolled in just looking for free food.
The ceremony was Wiccan, and very nice. Basically the same as any other kind of wedding. Actually kind of an amalgam of other types of weddings. They lit candles and jumped a broom. The officiant wore fake horns and was draped in a pentagram flag obviously purchased at Hot Topic. No devil worship, no bloodletting, no sacrifices, which was kind of a disappointment. It was all very nice and tasteful. For a wedding wear people wear horns. My favorite Wiccan participant was the guy with the shaved head, jeans and a sleeveless t-shirt reading: Wanna see my broomstick?
I have been around the punk/emo/goth culture my whole life, but had never been to a wedding that went all out. It was great fun. We ate small sandwiches and drank cheap beer, and chatted and mingled until we decided to go. We had left the boy in the care of his Aunt Grace, and when we returned to collect him, he was still up and at 'em. He slept very soundly on the ride back to Stilly.
In other news, I find that as the election season gets into full swing, I am simultaneously entranced and disgusted. Much like when a deadly car accident throws a dead body through your living room window: You have a personal stake in the outcome of these events, but you can really only watch what happens from the side and hope your house gets fixed eventually.*
We are going to the walk around thingy at OSU this Friday, and then going to the OU football game on Saturday. I not the biggest fan of football, but in my opinion, going to a game is better than TV, and college is better than pro. Jen scored some awesome tix in a boot or something somehow, and they are playing Colorado. So there's that. Her parents are gonna come up to watch the boy, and that means we can go out after the game.
I'm getting excited for Halloween.
Page 25 is up.
This guy is a douchbag.
That is all.

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