Friday, February 01, 2008

In which I show you some Art I like....

Well, as far as babies and what not go, there is little to report. Joey is just concentrating on growing, so that keeps him pretty busy. Jackson is a spitfire these days. His imagination is taking off like Yuri Gagarin. You can always see pics of the boys here, here, and of course here.

So in lew of anything interesting happening, I give you some really cool art I have found lately:

This is Mark Khaisman, and he makes art out of tape. I remember in college, we had an assignment where we were to create a piece using what the professor called "non-traditional" materials. I wish to God I had thought of this back then. I don't really remember what I did for that assignment. I remember all the other's projects a lot clearer than my own.
One guy found a maniquin in the dumpster by his house, and did a lovely landscape painting on it. The resident pretentious, femi-nazi, I'm-only-a-lesbian-for-political-reasons(and only for the duration of college), dread lock having, over-alls and green Doc. Martins wearing chick* got all up in his shit for "objectifying the female form". Whatever. I'm glad Ani DeFranco isn't popular anymore.

This is Andrew Bell, and he draws a different monster every single day, and has for over 6 years now.

I wish I had that kind of determination.

This is a poster by Shepard Fairey of Obey Giant fame. He has formally endorsed Obama, but would like everyone to vote regardless.

I love this guy's poster and street art. Right up there with Banksy.

And let me tell you this: I love street art when it is doene properly.
I cannot stand tagging and that kind of shit. Don't get me wrong, I think a lot of graffiti artists are very talented. I just wish they would put more effort into "going legit", like Banksy, Basquiat, Keith Herring, and the like, instead of just writing the equalivant of "Johnny was here" over and over again.

Could be it's a tough guy thing. I guess I could see that if you came from a rough and tumble neighborhood, and were interested in art, but knew you would get your ass kicked if you persued it, you would have few options other than Street Art or Tattooing. No tough guys use oils, I guess.

Another rememberance from college: In one art class, there was this tough looking straight-edge skinhead guy (which blows my above theory ). I don't remember his first name, but his last name was Flower. This was ironic enough, him being a skin with a name like Flower and all, but he would make these art pieces that were really dark, violent and usually politically motavated. Lots of skulls and blood and whatnot. So you'd get these greusome pieces that could be used as cover art for Skinny Puppy, but in the corner would be the word Flower. Kind of Magrite, if you think about it.

I think that's all I got.


*Through out the '90s, there was one of these in every single art class I ever had.

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