Thursday, September 14, 2006

S -15 / M - 2

Here is last month's calendar drawing. I for got to post it a few weeks ago. Another of the movie sketches. Kill Bill is an enigma for me. I like it a lot, but there is something missing. Tatantino used to do really stylish things because he didn't know any better. He just shot things in certain ways either subconsciously, or as a direct homage (read: theft) of something else. Now it seems he makes things overly stylish because that's what he does, and he knows that people expect it. Like how there is always a shot from inside a trunk, and a long steady-cam shot somewhere in all of his films. I think he is a lot better with scripts that he's come up with himself. A great example is the utter turd that is Jackie Brown. Getting horrible performances out of both Sam Jackson and DeNiro can only be attributed to Director error. And what the hell was Bridget Fonda doing in that movie? One thing I love, is that this was made during the time when Tarantino was the poo, and everybody was crazy about him. Less than a year later Steven Soderberg makes Out of Sight, based on another Elmore Leonard book, and manages to out-do Tarantino. The funny thing is that Michael Keaton plays the same character in both. I love that movie, and I'm glad that JLo made it before she went nuts. She'd never do something that cool now.
Okay, enough about that. Um... so Jack slept through the night on Monday. We almost shat ourselves. He was down from 7 to 7! No drugs or anything. Unfortunately we kept waking up every few hours or so, expecting him to be awake, and running in to check for SIDS. So it wasn't like we got that much sleep. We were hoping it would be an ongoing thing, but it seems that it was a one time deal. It did set a precedent, so we'll be sure to mention that to him. He got right back into the swing of waking up every two hours the last two nights.
Next week, I get t go to DC to participate in the American Cancer Society's Celebration on the Hill. We get to lobby politicians en masse to get some of the funding back that they have steadily taken away during the last, oh 5 or six years. Personally, I think the stem-cell ban is one of the worst things the Bush administration has ever done. It puts a screeching halt to a lot of research in America that now has to go outside the country, taking jobs and talent with it. Bush likes to surround himself with the "Snowflake Children" whenever he speaks about it. Saying that these kids couldn't be here if they had used their embryos for stem-cell research. But he misses the point that these kids wouldn't be there without extensive stem-cell research. Idiot. Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic companies get to test on live animals in gruesome ways all day long, but we can't use a few stem-cells from an embryo that has a 99% chance of being destroyed anyway and has a higher potential for useful information gained. Seems odd.
Enough soap-boxing! Get back to work!

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