Monday, September 11, 2006

Sketchbook #14 (movie #1)

I'm on this weird kick lately of doing sketches based on my favorite movies. Here is a Shaun of the Dead one. If you haven't seen that movie, please do so. Pegg is a genius. I have a deep love of Zombie movies. I think the first one I ever saw was Night of the Creeps, and that ended up being the worst one I ever saw. My Dad watched it with me, and soon made me watch all the Romero stuff, "'cause he got it right", and I love him for that. I love the new direction Zombie movies have taken. Fast, mean bastards, not the slow-pokes who can be easily out-run and only pose a threat in really large numbers (which they usually have). They pose way more of a threat now.
So this weekend, we had a little dinner party, and were graced with the presence of my good friend Sarah, as well as the one and only Cody Dopps. We had a lovely time. I grilled a tenderloin, some fillets, asparagus, and ginormous mushrooms. Jen made some scalloped potatoes and some awesome garlic bread. For desert, some carmelized pears atop vanilla ice-cream. yum. Cody brought wine, Sarah some beer, and I nursed a half dozen jack 'n' cokes (actually Evan Williams and Dr. Pepper, but it doesn't sound as cool). We yapped about travel and politics and why Enid is such an utter shithole. Sarah is excited to move to Las Vegas, although why she ever left Boston is a complete mystery to me. Jen hit the sack, and around 1:00 or so, the guests left, and about 1:30, Jackson woke up screaming his head off about how his head was spontaneously creating new bone in the form of teeth, and that said bone was making it's way to the surface in a most mean-spirited way. He got back to sleep about 3:30, but woke up at 6:00 wanting breakfast. I think I was still a little tipsy, making scrambled eggs through bleary eyes.
Saturday, we cleaned and went with cousin Ryan to the city to help Jen's sister Grace move. We were hoping to leave at noon, and it ended up being 4:00. They have successfully escaped the horror that is Parsons, KS and made it to a city. A real city, well sort of. They both landed jobs ay OSU OKC, and should be sitting pretty for a while. Lonny is considering switching from the KS National Guard to OK, but since he is up for Captain, he might stick it out in KS for a while. We had a nice dinner at Abuelo's, came home, and after moving, fighting a hang-over all day, and more beer, I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.
Sunday we did very little.
Today is 9-11, and although I feel very deeply for all those who lost loved ones, or died themselves, I am very weary of the political posturing that will go on today. I really hate the way the Bushies take these opportunities to tell us over and over again that we are much safer than before 9-11, but that an attack is possible ay any moment. Go shopping, but keep an eye on the sky. It is a stupid scare tactic, that contradicts itself, and people lap it up. I'm staying away from it. I usually listen to NPR or sutchlike most of the day, but today I'll just listen to all the music I downloaded over the weekend. I got lots to listen to. Some OK GO, Racantours, Gnarles Barkley, and other stuff that I am WAY behind the curve on.

Stay smart.

PS- This, is really cool


Reel Fanatic said...

Man, do I love Shaun of the Dead .. the only better than a zombie movie is a funny zombie movie, and that's the funniest in my book .. great sketch too .. it really captures the characters

sherrypg said...

Take a listen to Suburban Legends, The Rugburns, Sugar Free Allstars, and the Arctic Monkeys.

jpow said...

I've heard some Arctic Monkeys on KEXP, but I will look into the others. Thanks!