Friday, September 29, 2006

SB 17 M 4

There are some movies you see as a child that stick with you for various reasons. Barbarella was one such film for me. For many males of my generation, the first time they really realized that there was something about the fairer sex worth looking into, came when they first saw Princess Leia in the slave girl outfit.* It was the same for millions of adolescent boys in 1983: They collectively tilted their heads to the side like a dog does when confused, and quietly uttered a single word: wow. It became the basis for many a fantasy from then on. As I grew older, I realized that we all had this in common, but we rarely spoke about it. It was always under the surface somewhere. What we didn't realize, and I didn't know until a few years ago, was that many a girl from our same generation had similar feelings for Han Solo. Maybe not as strong, and certainly not for as long, but it was there.

I was no exception, but I got a deeper dose of sci-Fe sexuality when my dad took me to see Barberella during a re-release at the local art-house sometime around 1985. Based an an extremely racy French comic book, Barberella was about... well it was really about Jane Fonda put into as many situations as possible where she could either get nekkid and have sex in a weird locale, or change her extremely skimpy psychedelic quasi-futuristic outfits.

It did make quite an impression on me. On the whole, it is a bad movie, but I love it anyway. For what it is, it is the best. The movie has had long reaching influence, the most obvious being where Duran Duran got their name. I you watch Arena, the "plot" of the concert vid concerns the Duran Duran from the movie exacting revenge on the band for stealing his name.

I have to say that 1968 was a wonderful year for film. Some of my all time favorites were made or take place in 1968. Night of the Living Dead, The Itallian Job, 2001: A space Oddessy, Bonnie & Clyde, The Graduate, Rosemary's Baby, Bullit, Planet of the Apes, the list goes on and on...

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The Missus has gone to Dallas for the weekend, and I have the boy to myself all weekend. I think we are going to go to the dog-parade. He'll like that. We may check out Celebrate Stillwater, but I don't know. I don't know if we'll have the time. Cody is leaving town for the weekend as well, so we can't take Jackson to the coffeeshop pretending to be a gay couple with an adopted kid. I know it works better with an Asian baby, but you've got to work with what you got. Had Jackson came out as an Asian baby, his mother and I would have had to have words. So that's all I have planned, but that's enough. If you want to stop by and say hello, and maybe watch him for a sec while I pee, feel free to do so.

Page 23 is up.

*One notable exception, is a friend of Jen's who's first thoughts of the opposite sex came while watching Wonder Woman as a child. He was young enough that he didn't really know what he wanted to do with Wonder Woman, but he thought it would probably be nice to sit in her lap.

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