Monday, September 18, 2006

SB 16 M 3

Hey there! Here is a Reservoir Dogs sketch for ya.
A fine film. I watched it again the other day. I hadn't seen it for a while but this post got me iching to see it. I wish people would stop giving Quinten loads of money so he'd be forced to make more creative movies again.
In other news, Jackson decided that this was the weekend to start walking. Grace was here visiting, and at some point, Jen and Grace and Jack were in his room playing, and he just tore ass down the hallway. On foot. Laughinh hysterically the whole time. He's very proud of himself. He'd been holding onto furniture and stuff like that for months, but this was a bit of a surprise. Now he won't stop. He's all over the place and he's friggin' fast. We now enter a new level of containment and surveillance.
As I mentioned earlier, we're going to D.C. tomorrow for the COH.
Jack is splitting his time between the grand-parents, and they will have their work cut out for them with him walking. I don't envy them. The trip will be fun. I've never done anything important or political while in D.C., so this will be a blast. I haven't been to the east coast in forever, either. We're going to do some lobbying, some sight-seeing, and some old-dear-friend visiting. Probably in that order. See ya afterward.

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