Thursday, July 06, 2006

Things blowing up in the sky

So it rained like crazy all day Tuesday. We went to Cookie's parent's for 4th celebrating, and had a wonderful time. Turned out that the fireworks display in Stilly was canceled, so they moved it to last night, so we went to that with Cousin Ryan and his very skittish Bassett hound Roscoe. We sat on the bank by the spillway at boomer lake, and were pretty close. Closer than I have ever been to a fireworks display, other that the one in my bedroom when I was 14 that sent me to the emergency room.*
Jackson loved it. Things blowing up in the sky is always a fave among small boys, BTW. He would point up at them, very Lenin-like and go "ooh ooh", like he was giving a speech. Speechifyin' is him new deal for some reason. He does it all the time. Roscoe took the most giantest dump ever. I guess the show literally scared the shit out of him.
Tonight Cousin Ryan and I are going to go see the new Pirate movie. I am actually more excited to see this than I was for Superman or X3. Both of which were vaguely disappointing. The Pirate movie seems a little safer. They should have a pretty hard time screwing it up, since there isn't all the history and expectations that a super-hero movie has. Speaking of which, the new Spider-man trailer is awesome. This one will see a bit of a departure, and I'm worried about that. The first two had plot points that were (however far-fetched) explained by science or nature. This one has the potential to go into either the super-natural, or into space. Both of these are harder to suspend disbelief with. I can believe all day long that Spider-man got his powers from a genetically engineered spider, but Venom getting his from a symbiotic space creature is something else. At least in the movies. It's fine for the comics, but when you put a real human's face to the character, then that reality needs to extend to the rest of the film. The first two X-Men films did this brilliantly, and I hope Spidey doesn't jump the shark with this one.

* I remember having on a Sisters Of Mercy T-shirt, and the ER doc saying: "Hey, I used to work a Mercy Hospital!"

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