Thursday, February 01, 2007

Mooninite Panic


I gotta say something about this, and the panic storm that has risen around it. This is an example of how much the media is screwed up. No, That's not correct. This is an example of how people use the media to retarded ends. I think the on the ground reporters are fine for the most part, they just report what they see. But in this situation, the anchors at the 24hour news channel are the ones who have turned this into a circus. They are the ones that blew this thing out of proportion by naming this thing a Terrorist Hoax, which it is not. It is an advertising campaign. A grass roots, guerrilla ad campaign that was actually pretty ingenuous. Just because somebody who grew up in the '70s and had some kind of Lite Brite trauma as a child took it the wrong way and overreacted, doesn't mean that the idea behind it was anything malicious. Now all these freaky-deaks are rattling their cages and saying that they want to put these guys in prison because some idiot was scared of a cartoon character.
You can actually see the progression into the downward spiral. These guys put these things up, somebody complains, some cop checks it out, and he calls the bomb squad just to be safe. People get word that the bomb squad is taking these things down, and it gets on the news. People who have noticed these things around town start to freak out, and call the cops. The news coverage continues, and the whole city gets shut down while they sort it out. Now once they figure out that the whole thing is basically a bunch of Etch-a-Sketches taped to phone poles, the cops and the bomb squad and the media types get embarrassed at their own stupidity and they get angry at the two little hiptser hippies that made them look bad. This couldn't be their own idiocy, right? Must be a fucking Terrorist Hoax! String 'em up!
This is the world that GWB has created. People are so concerned with terrorists, yet they cant tell one from a cartoon. This is what Wil Wheaton had to say:

"This is the result of politicians and the media creating and then exploiting a culture of fear in America.
Politicians use it to grab power and silence dissent, and the media use it to drive up ratings.
In either case, it's sickening exploitation." (more)

I do have to say that I love the reaction of the perps during their press release:

These guys get it. They realize what a fucking joke this whole situation is. I hope they keep talking about Mod haircuts throughout their whole trial. Better yet, I hope the Judge throws the case out, and chastises the prosecutor and the Media talking heads for wasting everybody's time.


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