Thursday, March 29, 2007

In which I have a new pic.

Finally, a new page of NGV5 is up! enjoy.

In other news: Looks like Iran started a war. Idiots.

So, a few weeks ago, Jackson went through a little phase where he was loving to take his pants off. That's cool. We all do that. I still do that. He was at the baby sitter's, where she had a heckova time getting him to keep the drawers up. She's pull them up, he'd run around the corner and laughing the whole time, pull 'em off again. At some point, she realized that she hadn't seen or heard him for a while, and found him between the couch and the coffee table.

The result, here.

As I said in the previous post, I am addicted to Lego Star Wars. Lego just announced that they are making a new game based on Lego Batman. I peed a little in my pants when I heard that.

Equally exciting is this:
This is a test shot from the movie version of Watchmen, which Zach Snyder of 300 and Dawn Of The Dead fame has taken on as his next project. There may be another Zombie movie first, and if I get that too, I can happily wait for Watchmen. I am becoming a big fan of Snyder. He does good work, and he has a good bead on how movies work both as a business and as art. He stated in an interview, that he is treating the book as literature, not wanting to update it to fit into today's political climate, ala V for Vendetta. His point is that if you were to make a movie based on Moby Dick, you wouldn't try to set it in a contemporary time frame*, and I have to respect that. Good for Zach. He also stated that he wants to keep it as true to the comic as possible, making it most likely R rated and 3 hours long, and after seeing how accurate 300 was, I believe he can do it. Watchmen is the single most important Comic ever produced, and those of you fan boys that just had The Dark Knight Returns pop into your head can fuck right off.**
Also: I didn't get a job I was going for. I'm a little disappointed, but it was a long shot anyway, so no harm done. Jen and I are looking to make some sort of major change, though. We basically know what, we just need to figure out how to proceed. More on that later.
I have nothing else to report.
Have a nice day.


*save that for Shakespeare.
** Still one of my Faves, but couldn't have happened without Watchmen.

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