Thursday, June 08, 2006


So yesterday after my dick of an alarm clock woke me up, and after I stumbled into the kitchen and made coffee, and was out on my deck having coffee and a cigarette, I saw a bunny. This in itself is nothing to get excited about. We live in rural OK and our lot backs up to a forest with just a chain-link fence as a separator. The thing is that I was really not awake yet. I was really groggy, and there was fog. Literal fog, mixed with sunlight, making the forest look really cool. And it was really still. Very little sound. Just me in my underwear, the forest and the fog. Then I look down and there is this rabbit. Not out in the woods, but just off my deck, about 2 feet away from me. He seemed to be doing the same thing I was. Just sitting there, enjoying the view. I moved, and he looked up at me as if to say "oh, hey, man." and went back to looking at the forest. I went inside to get Jen and Jack, because I thought he might like to see a woodland creature that wasn't dead on the side of the road, but the bunny had gone on it's way. The sun soon burned off the fog and I got into the shower.
I like bunnies. If I were to have a rodent as a pet, I would choose a rabbit. They are actually kind of cuddly, and don't smell as bad as ferrets do. But I would never have a rodent for a pet. I have two dogs, and a cat, and when I have caged animals, I like fish. So there.

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