Monday, June 26, 2006

Gone to Pot

We had a heckuvah busy weekend, and it is still technically going, as I have not been back yo work yet. Jen had an event, so I did the same thing I always do on relay weekend: I drive to Tulsa, get the boy from the babysitter's, visit the relay for a while, spend the evening with him at the grandparent's house, and fight to get him to sleep. Then the boy and I amuse ourselves on saturday while Jen sleeps it off. We went to the coffeeshop, saw some friends, and poked around Target. Saturday night,we had a lovely meal with B&G, and went back up to Stilly. I had to bag out of Craig's batchelor party because I was too tired. Sunday was an eventful day, sort of. Jen had to prepare for a procedure she had today, which involved taking laxatives and clearing out her bowels. It sucked. If she wasn't asleep, she was in the bathroom, and wee Jack was getting sick, so I had to deal with a cranky baby all day in the midst of mowing and cleaning the house in preperation for Jen's dad coming up to watch the boy while we went to the hospital. whew! Somehow I managed to watch the entire box set of Spaced (I had to order a duped copy from England via ebay), and Shaun of the Dead, as I have recently become a HUGE Simon Pegg fan. His bit in Doctor Who was awesome. Today was the hospital. All that prep, and the thing only lasted like 20 minutes. We've been relaxing and doing chores and taking care of a sick baby all day.
Off to Wally-World!

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