Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I think Jackson will grow up to be a super man. I saw the movie last night. I liked it. Muy fun. The bits with the kid were a little cheesy, buy could have been a lot worse. Routh seems to have channeled Christopher Reeve from beyond the grave. He was a dead ringer in almost every way. Except the haircut, which kind of bugged me. It looked like Clark Kent had the same stylist as Franz Ferdinand.

Yesterday, a bunch of baby armadillos visited us. There were three of them, and I snapped a few pics, and video taped them romping around in utter cuteness for about two seconds until Sadie dug her way under the fence and tore after them. I think she got one of them on the tail before I could catch up to her in the woods and grab her. They ran under a big brush pile and never came back out. Sadie is a terror terrier. She'll get you. The woods behind our house are nice to look at, but I found a tick on me this morning after I was only out there for a few minutes, adding to the list of reasons to not go out there. I dropped my video camera when I ran after Sadie, and now it doesn't play right.


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